Boonserm Premthada是非常富有社会使命感的建筑设计师,他认为建筑是一种氛围的物理创造,可以增强人们对自然环境的认识。并希望通过对光线、阴影、空气流动、声音及气味等元素的运用,设计出具有生命意识的建筑。Boonserm的工作除了理论和实践之外,还具有强大的社会性和文化性,因为他的许多项目都旨在改善弱势群体生活的社会计划。比如对大象基地的设计,不只是在打造一个纯粹的游览基地,而是希望通过各个建筑之间的链接,实现大象与人之间的共生;The Walk景观是架在草地上的人行步道,希望唤起人们对草地与植物的关爱;这种对建筑意图的真切感受,不仅从亲身体验中可以感受到,也可以从分享中获得。
本期讲座我们邀请到Boonserm Premthada,希望能从他的分享中,获得更多启发。
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GUEST:Boonserm Premthada
TIME:Friday, May 28 at 8:00 PM
5 project list
1. The Wine Pavilion : A Rural Bar
2. The Artisans Restaurant : Women Restaurant
3. The Walk : An Elevated Journey into The World of Nature
4. The Elephant World : Non-Human Centered Architecture
5. National Thai Pavilion, Biennale Architettura 2021 : How Will We Live Together?
Boonserm Premthada在泰国曼谷出生和长大。1988年获得室内设计荣誉学士学位,2002年获得朱拉隆功大学(Chulalongkorn University)建筑学硕士学位,并于2003年成立了自己的办公室——BangkokProject Studio。Boonserm认为建筑是一种氛围的物理创造,可为增强人们对自然环境的认识。他的工作不是设计建筑物,而是操纵光、影、风、声音和气味,创造出一种具有生命力的“建筑诗学”。Boonserm的工作除了理论和实践之外,还具有强大的社会性和文化性,因为他的许多项目都旨在改善弱势群体生活的社会计划。
Boonserm Premthada was born and raised in Bangkok, Thailand. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interior Design) with first class honors in 1988 and Masters of Architecture from Chulalongkorn University in 2002 and established his office named Bangkok Project Studio in 2003.Boonserm believes that architecture is the physical creation of an atmosphere that serves to heighten man's awareness of his natural surroundings. His work isn't about designing a building, but rather the manipulation of light, shadow, wind, sound, and smell... creating an "poetics in architecture" that is a living being sense. Beyond the realms of theory and practice- Boonserm's work also carries a strong socio-economic and cultural agenda as many of his projects have social programs that aim to improve the lives of the under-privileged.
△ Elephant Museum
△ Brick Observation Tower
△ The Cultural Courtyard
△ The Walk
△ The Wine Ayutthaya
主持人 | Moderator
洪人杰(Jenchieh Hung)、Kulthida Songkittipakdee
HAS design and research主持建筑师中泰建筑研究室创始人
讲座详情 | Lecture details
Registration details (添加客服微信咨询报名)
授课方式:亚洲设计学院 / 视频直播(可通过手机、电脑、电视投屏观看及长期回放,直播可互动提问,课后在学员微信群交流,本次讲座双语交流,中文翻译,本课程不便提供课件。)